હાડકાને લોખંડ જેવા મજબૂત બનાવશે નાગરવેલનું પાન, આ રીતે કરશો સેવન તો નહીં આવે ક્યારેય પ્લાસ્ટર.

Friends, we can go. We can do different activities. Bones are responsible for this. Bones play an important role in strengthening every part of our body.

Our body becomes strong only because of bones. It is difficult to imagine a body without bones. An example of this is when we suffer an injury and even a small crack in the bone causes unbearable pain.

The injured part stops moving. From this it is clear that bones are an important part of our body.

Therefore, it is very important to have strong bones in our body. If the bones are weak then even a small injury can cause fracture. Many people suffer fractures that require surgery to repair the plate. This is because their bones are very weak.

Friends, bones break even due to minor injuries. To strengthen bones, it is very important to maintain the level of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

In particular, you may have noticed that when an older person has bone problems, it takes longer to heal. Because with age there starts deficiency of calcium in the body.

As a result, the bones do not get enough calcium. It is important that the supply of calcium in the body increases with age.

Here are some solutions to overcome the deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the body. You do not need to take any medicine to do this remedy. You will need nagarvela leaves and lemon.

Nagarvel leaves can be kept in the refrigerator. You have to consume one Nagarvela leaf daily. Apart from this, put lemon in a water bottle, fill it with water and shake it well.

Prepare lemon water like this. Then after meals, add a few drops of lemon water to nagarvel leaves and consume it daily.

Regular consumption of nagarvel leaves with lemon water will strengthen your bones and there will be no calcium deficiency in the body.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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