વજન ઘટાડવા અથવા પાચન માટે અજમાનનું વધુ પડતું સેવન ફાયદાને બદલે નુકસાન કરશે…

Ajma seeds are as beneficial as they are harmful. Ajma is used in almost every household. Ajma is easily available in everyone’s kitchen. While many people use Ajma as a spice, many people also use Ajma in an Ayurvedic way. Ajma is also good for gas, and Ajma has many benefits, but Ajma has benefits, but it also has side effects. Ajma also contains many elements, like beta-pinene, gamma-terpene, etc., which is a type of oil. Let us know about its side effects-

Ajma seeds is a seed which is used in Ayurveda as well as spices. Which has the power to cure many diseases. Yes friends, those seeds are the seeds of trial. You must be aware of the benefits of the trial. Ajma is used in cooking as well as in Ayurveda. Although there are many benefits from its consumption, but do you know that excessive consumption of Ajma can also harm you. Today in this article we are going to tell you about this disadvantage.

Constituents in Ajma: Ajma contains saponins and phenolic compounds, as well as thymol, para-samine, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and gamma-terpene, a type of volatile oil. Consumption of Ajma varies according to health, age and symptoms. Generally its dosage should be taken in this manner.

Ajma should be used between 1-2.5 grams daily. The therapeutic dose is 1.9 to 3.9 grams. If you are consuming black salt then 0.9 to 1.8 grams. 9.5 to 95.8 mg of Ajma seed water is suitable.

What are the side effects: Dietary intake can be limited and controlled. If we talk about medical dosage then it is safe to use Ajma seeds. Therefore it is called a treasure trove of health benefits. But, the problem arises when its quantity starts increasing.

When not to consume Ajma: If you have stomach ulcer, internal bleeding problem, ulcerative colitis or mouth ulcer then you should not consume Ajma. This may increase your problems. Other harmful side effects are as follows.

1 There may be a problem of constipation. Although Ajma water is good in many ways, but its excessive use has negative effects on the body. This can also cause gas problems. Not only this, stool can also be cured. If you have problem of constipation then you can consume Ajma. But if Ajma is consumed in excess quantity then it can increase the problem of constipation.

2 Skin may be sensitive. Excessive use of Ajma supplements may cause long-term photosensitivity in the skin, causing the skin to react in different ways when exposed to sunlight.

3 The problem may also increase during pregnancy. Any woman who consumes Ajma during pregnancy should be careful, because consuming it in excess can cause heat in the body, which can worsen the condition.

4 Can also cause heart disease. If Ajma is consumed with water, it can increase the heart rate. This may increase heart rate and blood pressure. It can also cause many heart diseases.

5 Liver problems may increase. Patients with liver problems, diverticulitis conditions and ulcerative colitis should not consume it. If not, this may increase the problem.

6 Dizziness and vomiting may increase. Thymol and gamma-terpene present in ajma can cause vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, excessive consumption of Ajma can be harmful for the liver.

7 There may be problem of chest swelling. You may be surprised to know, but on one hand, Ajma is consumed to improve digestion, while on the other hand, excessive consumption of Ajma can cause heartburn and gastrointestinal problems.

It is said that there must be balance in everything. Everything written above shows that excessive consumption of Ajma can be harmful. It is important for us to be health conscious. If something like this is happening to you too, then you must consult your doctor. Therefore, you should consume Ajma in limited quantity otherwise other problems may occur.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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