કોલેસ્ટ્રોલ લેવલ કાબૂમાં રાખવા નો અક્સીર ઈલાજ, દરરોજ કરો આ વસ્તુનું સેવન લોહીનું પરિભ્રમણ વધારી મગજને કરી દેશે પાવરફુલ..

કોલેસ્ટ્રોલ લેવલ કાબૂમાં રાખવા નો અક્સીર ઈલાજ, દરરોજ કરો આ વસ્તુનું સેવન લોહીનું પરિભ્રમણ વધારી મગજને કરી દેશે પાવરફુલ..

The most important part of the human body is the brain.  Every part of the body works with the mind.  The ability to think and understand also depends on the mind.  For example, when the brain gives a signal to the hand, only then does the hand do any work.  If the brain does not give signals, then the hands also do not work.  Therefore, for the proper functioning of the body, it is necessary to take special care of the health of the mind.

કોલેસ્ટ્રોલ લેવલ કાબૂમાં રાખવા નો અક્સીર ઈલાજ, દરરોજ કરો આ વસ્તુનું સેવન લોહીનું પરિભ્રમણ વધારી મગજને કરી દેશે પાવરફુલ..

Currently, according to a researcher, it has been said that eating a small bowl of karmada can make the brain sharp.  Lowers bad cholesterol and helps in lowering good cholesterol.  Karmada is a red colored fruit.  Its size is very small.  Rich in medicinal properties and nutrients, Karmada has many benefits.

Effect will be seen in 12 weeks: - The taste of karmada is very bitter, according to a research, the memory of those who consume karmada churna improves in just 12 weeks.  When he had an MRI, blood flow to vital parts of his brain was very good.  In addition, those people's total cholesterol was reduced by 9%.

According to the research team, turmeric increases the brain, in fact LDL bad cholesterol gets deposited in the arteries.  Due to which the blood flow to the brain is reduced.  Consuming Karmada improves blood flow to the brain.

Instead of drinking the juice of Karmada found in the market, doctors recommend eating raw Karmada.  Its pungent and bitter taste is not liked by most of the people but it is very beneficial.

60 people were involved in the research: - 60 people were involved in this research.  Eighteen people were between 50 and 80 years old.  60 people were given 4.5 grams of dry Karmada powder and others were given a placebo.  The research did not include people who had a major illness, were taking medication or were heavy smokers.  After this, everyone's blood samples and MRI scans were reviewed and shown in Frontiers.

After 12 weeks, the study found that people who consumed karmada powder had a significant improvement in memory and improved blood flow to important parts of their brain.  In the Karmada group, LDL levels decreased from 3.5 to 3.2 mmol/l.  Whereas in the placebo group there was a decrease of 3.4 to 3.3 mmol/L.

According to the research physician, LDL or bad cholesterol levels decreased in the group of people who took karma.  The findings of this research are better.  Most notably, the Karmada began to improve memory and nerve function in just 12 weeks.  Karmada can give better research results in future.

100 grams of Karmada will strengthen heart health: - According to studies, eating Karmada daily improves heart health.  Those who consumed 100 grams of Karamada showed an improvement in their heart function after a month.  Karmada keeps the heart healthy by preventing chronic inflammation and cell damage.  It was claimed in the research that the effect will be visible only after 2 hours of consuming Karmada.

 (Note: All the information mentioned above is internet based, so consult an expert or expert first.)

ગુજરાતીમાં વાચવાં માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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