શરીરને આજીવન નિરોગી રાખવું હોય તો સવારે જાગીને કરી લેવા આ ત્રણ કામ.

 After the amount of time people have seen in the last two years, people have also become aware about the health of their body.  Now everyone wants to keep their immune system strong and body healthy.

People are constantly trying for this.  But still, due to lack of information, people commit some mistakes as a result of which diseases enter the body.

Nowadays everyone has a hectic lifestyle.  Since people have many things to do during the day, they start running as soon as the day starts.  As a result some mistakes are made at the beginning of the day, but the consequences of those mistakes are felt throughout the day.

Today we tell you about three easy things to do after waking up in the morning.  If you start the day with these three things, then your body will not feel tired for the whole day and there will be no illness in the body.  The person who wakes up in the morning and does these three things does not have any kind of disease in his body.

First of all wake up in the morning and keep drinking hot water.  Hot water is to be drunk sitting comfortably on the ground.

Drinking lukewarm water gradually destroys the toxic bacteria accumulated inside the body and also cures stomach diseases as it cleanses the intestines completely.

Drinking hot water in the morning also burns fat and keeps the weight under control.  After this, keep brushing well for 10 minutes.  Brushing slowly and gently kills bacteria in the mouth.

Doctors also say that by brushing in this way, problems related to teeth are removed and bad breath is also removed.  Most people brush everyday in a hurry.  Give your body 30 minutes to cool down after brushing. 

Insist on vigorous exercise like yoga or morning walk during these 30 minutes.  It will strengthen the bones of the body and also give new energy to the body.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટે અંહી ક્લિક કરો 

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