મુસાફરી વખતે ઊલટી, ચક્કર કેમ આવે છે, ન થાય એ માટે શું કરવું?

The mere thought of travelling by plane, train or car or bus makes some people anxious.

The fear of developing this problem, known as motion sickness, can shatter all dreams of a relaxing holiday and turn daily commuting into a nightmare.

Motion sickness occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals. When we are physically stationary (such as sitting in a car or bus), but are moving (travelling), the brain receives conflicting signals between what our eyes see and what our body understands.

For example, when we are sitting in a car and the car is moving, our body is physically stationary, but our eyes can see moving objects.

People suffering from motion sickness react physically to such mixed signals. They have symptoms of nausea, dizziness and general malaise.

For some people the condition becomes so severe that they avoid taking long journeys. Some people are looking for a miracle cure for this problem.

What exactly causes motion sickness and how can it be treated?

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Motion sickness causes a variety of symptoms.

It usually starts slowly and curves if the movement that provoked it is not suppressed.

Its features include the following.

Dizziness, light-headedness, feeling unsteady or spinning.




Pale skin



Usually these symptoms disappear within twenty minutes or the condition is reversible.

However, severe symptoms may take up to 24 hours to resolve.

How to reduce these symptoms?

Here are some tips to help prevent motion sickness.

The following should be avoided before travelling.

Do not eat full stomach food or spicy food.

Caffeine and alcohol intake should be limited

Should get enough sleep

Following things should be kept in mind while travelling.

Choose your seat carefully. The front seat in a car should be forward, in a boat should sit in the middle, while in a train should choose a window seat facing forward.

One should look at the horizon.

Sudden movements of the head should be avoided.

If possible, windows should be kept open for fresh air.

No reading, no watching movies or using electronic devices.

Keep yourself occupied with things like listening to music.

Eyes should be closed.

Drink plenty of water.

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