હરસ, કીડની, ડાયાબીટીસ, તાવ, ચામડી જેવા 70 થી વધુ રોગો માટે રામબાણ ઇલાજ છે આ એક ઔષધી

હરસ, કીડની, ડાયાબીટીસ, તાવ, ચામડી જેવા 70 થી વધુ રોગો માટે રામબાણ ઇલાજ છે આ એક ઔષધી

Horseradish is a healthful herb. Harad is small in appearance and full of many qualities. Many benefits of the herb have been mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India. In which myrabalan is considered the king of many herbs. It is known as Haritaki in Ayurveda. While its botanical name is Terminalia Chebula. Horseradish is not only medicinal but also beneficial for health and beauty purposes. The herb's fruit, root, and bark are all used.

હરસ, કીડની, ડાયાબીટીસ, તાવ, ચામડી જેવા 70 થી વધુ રોગો માટે રામબાણ ઇલાજ છે આ એક ઔષધી

This hardy tree is found in India up to a height of five thousand feet, especially in the lower Himalayan region from the banks of the river Ravi to eastern Bengal-Assam. The hardy tree grows 60 to 80 feet tall. The bark is dark brown, the hard leaves are 7 to 20 cm long and one and a half feet wide. The flowers of Hardia are small and white yellow in colour. Its fruits are one to three inches long and oval in shape. There are 5 lines in its body.

The fruits are green when unripe and yellow when ripe. Each fruit contains one seed. New leaves come in the hard tree in the spring season i.e. April-May. When the fruit sets in the winter season. Ripe fruits are harvested between January and April. There are seven varieties of Hardena tree. Among them are Vijaya, Rohini, Putana, Amrita, Abhay, Jivvi and Chetaki.

This hardy is available in two types of market. In which there are small herds and large herds. It has a hard shell like a big hard stone. While there are no lumps in small herds. The fruit falls from the tree or is plucked and dries up before pod formation. Nani Harde is specially used in Ayurveda. Which is very beneficial for many diseases.

Taste and characteristics of myrobalan: Myrobalan is sweet when fresh, round, heavy and sinkable, red in colour, hard to break like jaggery, slightly bitter, more juicy, large-skinned, self-ripening and weighs 22 grams. and is torn apart when eaten by insects, burnt with fire, lying in water or mud, and cooked in unsuitable soil.

Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits of Hardia:

Herbs as a Cure for Headache: In today's run-of-the-mill life, people have a lot of headache problems. For the treatment of this disease, taking a bunch of myrobalan and mixing it with water and applying it on the head, the problem of headache goes away. Hardy soothes headaches and relieves tension.

Treatment of Dandruff Treatment: of Dandruff Due to the problem of dandruff, most of the people start losing hair and there comes a time when the head becomes bald. Scab lying on the head can be removed by the use of Harde. Mixing equal quantity of mango seed powder and myrobalan powder in milk and applying it on the head cures dandruff.

Hardy as a cure for all eye problems: Sitting in front of TV, computer and mobile for a long time causes irritation and pain in the eyes. Consuming myrabalan everyday gives relief to the eyes. After soaking in water overnight, filtering the water and washing the eyes gives coolness to the eyes and diseases related to the eyes are cured. In Cataract, soaking the seeds in water and rubbing them is beneficial in Cataract. Applying ground horseradish bark stops watery eyes. In other eye diseases, making a paste of myrobalan in ghee and applying it on the eyes is beneficial. Cataract is eradicated by making a paste of 3 grams powder of myrabalan and 3 grams dry grapes, making sugar candy powder before meals or eating it with honey.

Hardy as a cure for cough and cold: Many people suffer from phlegm, cold and cough when the weather changes, causing problems like fever and headache. At this time, drinking myrrh or myrrh powder with milk or water provides relief in cough and headache. And fever also gets cured. Consuming 2 to 5 grams of myrabalan per day ends phlegm. Drinking 10 to 3 ml decoction of myrabalan, Ardusi leaves, dry grapes, small cardamom and all these with honey and sugar thrice a day cures problems like breath, cough and bleeding from the nose and nose. Taking 2 to 5 grams of dry ginger and dry ginger powder in equal quantity with warm water twice a day cures the problems of cold, cough, shortness of breath and jaundice.

Myrrh as a cure for oral problems: Myrrh is very beneficial for diseases of the mouth and throat. The decoction or powder of the herb provides relief in diseases of the mouth. Mixing 3 to 12 ml honey in 20 to 40 ml strong decoction and drinking it provides relief in throat diseases. Brushing teeth with hard powder keeps teeth clean and healthy. Heat 10 grams of Ardia in half a liter of water, when 1/4th part of the water gets burnt, adding a little alum to it and gargling it stops bleeding from throat and mouth.

Hardy as a remedy to improve digestion: Many people have problems like acidity as well as indigestion. In this problem, consuming myrobalan helps in improving digestion. Mixing 3 to 6 grams of myrobalan powder with sugar powder and consuming it after meals in the morning and evening helps the digestive system to function properly. This remedy gives proper benefits only when taken as per the dosage mentioned by us.

Hardy as Remedy for Vomiting Problem: Many people have problems like vomiting due to irregular eating habits. This problem can be overcome by rigorous use. Mixing 2 to 4 grams powder of myrrh with honey and taking it provides relief in vomiting. Using hard in a different way has another effect.

Hardy as a remedy to increase appetite: Many diseases cause loss of appetite. In this condition, eating hard food causes hunger. Taking 2 grams myrobalan and 1 gram ginger with jaggery or 250 milligrams Sindhav salt reduces appetite. Eating hard marmalade makes you hungry. Consuming 2 to 5 grams of Harad, dry ginger and Sindhav Mitha with cold water reduces appetite. In this case, eat less quantity in the afternoon and evening. Taking 1 to 2 grams of myrabalan, black pepper and chitrak in equal quantity reduces appetite.

Diarrhea and dysentery: When a person has problems like dysentery or diarrhea, hardy gives relief from this disease. When stool comes little by little, they cure diarrhea and dysentery by taking 2 to 5 grams powder of myrobalan and setu with warm water. Hardy has fibrous properties. That's why it is used to clean the stomach. In case of dysentery, the property of heat increases the digestive power and provides relief in the problem of dysentery.

As a treatment for constipation: people suffering from hardy chronic constipation can get relief from the problem of constipation by making tablets of myrabalan, Sanaya herb and rose gulkand. Boil Hershey and 3.5 grams cinnamon or clove in 100 ml water for 10 minutes, filter and drink it, it cleans the stomach and also ends constipation.

Harad Piles Wart Treatment: Today's problem is irregular lifestyle and spicy-fried roast food which causes piles. In the problem of piles, making a decoction of horseradish and drinking it provides relief from the problem of piles.

The remedy for eradicating black leprosy: is myrabalan, myrabalan proves useful in eradicating black leprosy. Mixing 3 to 6 grams of Hardona powder in 20 to 50 grams of cow urine and taking it twice a day provides relief in arthritis. Taking myrabalan, jaggery, sesame oil, chili, sandalwood and pippal in equal quantity and taking it twice a day for a month provides relief in black leprosy.

Harde as a cure for Jaundice: Now a days many people are suffering from Jaundice, consumption of poisoned food and alcohol and excessive amount of medicine and polluted water causes jaundice, in this disease Harde, iron ash and turmeric mixed in equal quantity Take from 500 mg to 1 gram. Or honey or simply mixing 1 gram myrobalan with jaggery or honey and taking it twice or thrice a day cures jaundice.

Hardy as a remedy for wounds: Hardy is used to heal pits on the body caused by wounds or goiter and to generate new skin. Applying 1 to 2 grams of Hardeni ash with 5 to 10 grams of butter on the wound dries the wound and reduces water in that place.

Hardy as a cure for kidney or urinary problem: Most of the people suffer from various urinary problems which include incontinence, retention of urine, small amount of urine, burning and pain while urinating. Hardy is very useful in all these problems. Take equal quantity of myrobalan, gokhru, coriander, yavsa and stone powder and heat it in 500 ml water, filter when 250 ml water is left. At this time, consuming 10 to 30 ml mixed with honey in the morning and evening cures the problem of stones and urine. In which problems like swelling and pain go away.

Hardia as a cure for stomach gas problem: Hardia churna is the best remedy for a person suffering from stomach gas problem. Anumolam quality is found in Harad. Which helps in expelling the gas from the stomach from the lower part of the body.

Hardy as a weight loss remedy: Hardy balances the weight. Hardi has laxative properties and it dissolves waste materials and fat in the body and removes them from the body. Hardy burns extra calories.

Hardy as a cure for the problem of diabetes: Nowadays many people are troubled by the problem of diabetes. To control diabetes, taking 2 to 5 grams of myrabalan powder with 1 gram of honey twice a day cures diabetes. Hardy is useful in the problem of diabetes, sugar controlling properties are found in hardy. Also, it increases the immunity of the body and prevents getting sick. Hardy also improves memory and keeps cholesterol under control, thereby preventing diabetes.

Horseradish as a remedy for reproductive system problems: Horseradish is very beneficial in sperm related problems. Heat 5 grams of myrobalan and 1 gram of gram flour and 50 ml of castor oil in 50 ml of cow urine. When the oil increases a little, after filtering it, taking a small amount of it with warm water in the morning and evening increases the number of sperms.

Taking a decoction of Triphala is beneficial in swelling of the testicles. Mixing 10 ml cow urine in 10-20 ml decoction of Triphala and drinking it ends the swelling of the testicles due to phlegm.

Hardy as a treatment for elephantiasis Hardy: is very beneficial for the treatment of diseases like elephantiasis. Boil 10 grams myrobalan in 50 ml castor oil and drink it for 6 days, it cures elephantiasis. By heating the pan in ghee and making its powder, the problem of swelling reduces. Mixing this mixture and Triphala powder in the bath water reduces swelling of the body. When body is injured, decoction of horseradish and washing of the injured part heals the wound.

Horseradish for Fainting and Fainting: If fainting is felt due to weakness, then taking horseradish can cure fainting. By making a decoction of myrobalan and giving it to a fainting person, he wakes up from unconsciousness, if the person has a problem of fainting, then by consuming it regularly, the problem of fainting goes away.

Haradi panacea for fever: If a person has problems like fever and phlegm at the time of change of season, then taking 3 to 6 grams of Haradi powder mixed with 1 ml ghee and 2 grams honey reduces swelling, fever, cough, Bleeding goes away. The problems of nose and ears, difficulty in breathing, swelling and vomiting etc. are removed. Taking 3 grams powder of myrobalan in 25 ml decoction of dry grapes twice a day provides relief in fever. Consuming 3 to 6 grams of myrabalan powder cures the problem of fever. Mixing 10 to 30 ml decoction of myrrh in 5 grams of vegetable ghee and consuming it cures malaria.

Myrrh powder in leprosy: Mixing 3 to 6 grams of myrrh powder with Ardusi juice, equal parts of pippali or black pepper powder and honey stops bleeding from the nose and ears in leprosy. Mixing 3 to 6 grams of honey in myrrh powder and consuming it provides relief in leprosy, malaria and pain. Consuming 3 to 6 grams powder of myrobalan with equal parts of white raisins in the morning and evening is beneficial in diseases like dysentery, leprosy, chronic fever etc.

Horseradish cures fungal diseases of the skin: Horseradish is beneficial for skin related problems. Hardena has properties to remove skin related problems. By applying kadha on the skin injury, the injury gets cured. Also heals the skin quickly. Horseradish has fungicidal properties due to which it cures fungal diseases of the skin.

Hardy as a remedy for intestinal problems: The use of hardy is very beneficial for people who are not cleaning their intestines properly. By consuming myrabalan, intestinal waste and old feces come out. Hardy has fibrous properties that cleanse the bowels.

Hardy as a remedy for hair problems: Make a paste by taking one-fourth part of Triphala, a well-known herb of Ayurveda, and one-fourth each of figs and amla. Triphala is a panacea for hair problems and Hardi contains astringent juice which strengthens hair. Taking half a teaspoon of myrabalan powder with warm water at bedtime for a few days is very beneficial. By consuming the powder of myrrh, the hair becomes black, shiny and attractive.

Hardy as a treatment for lung problems: Lung diseases can be cured by the use of hardy. Hardy gives heat to the body. Also, due to the heat of the heart, phlegm comes out from the lungs.

Hardy as a cure for sexual problems: Hardy is used to treat sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Hardy has anti-viral properties that prevent the spread of sexual problems. Consuming 1 to 2 grams of sardine daily and doing this remedy for a month provides relief from sexual problems.

Thus, hard is rich in iron, copper, manganese, potassium, protein and vitamins. Rich in many qualities and elements, hard to cure many diseases, hence it is called the king of medicines. Hence in Ayurveda, it has been given nicknames like Amrita, Pranad, Kayastha, Vijaya, Maithya. This information will prove to be very useful for you, taking the fruit of this herb and its prescribed measure will prove to be very useful in curing your disease. We hope that the information about this hardy herb will prove to be very useful for you and your health will remain healthy.

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો 

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