એક દિવસમાં મોટી પથરી પણ તૂટીને પેશાબ વાટે નીકળી જશે બહાર, જાણો પથરી દૂર કરતા ઉપાય.

એક દિવસમાં મોટી પથરી પણ તૂટીને પેશાબ વાટે નીકળી જશે બહાર, જાણો પથરી દૂર કરતા ઉપાય.

Some waste materials also reach the body in different ways.  These elements, which are of no use to the body, are excreted in urine and faeces.

એક દિવસમાં મોટી પથરી પણ તૂટીને પેશાબ વાટે નીકળી જશે બહાર, જાણો પથરી દૂર કરતા ઉપાય.

But when some elements are not able to get out of the body then they get deposited in the kidney.  In this way the accumulated element takes the form of stones.  However, according to experts, 90 percent of stone cases are due to poor diet.

The pain of stone is very unbearable.  People who have stones should consume things like green onions, beetroot, ajma, almonds, peanuts, cashews in small quantities.

All these things have a high amount of oxalic acid which is the cause of stone formation.  In many people, kidney stones also occur due to hereditary reasons.

Apart from kidney stones also occur in gall bladder.  When the pancreas does not function properly, stones form in it.  Gallstones often get stuck in the bile duct, causing inflammation of the gallbladder and causing great discomfort to the patient.

People who have stones should drink more and more water during the day.  If you drink less water than hot, it can cause stone pain.  Apart from this, the patient should not eat more tomatoes, brinjal, due to which the problem of stones also increases.  People suffering from constipation may also have stones.

If the stone is small then it gets out of the body through urine, but if the stone is large then it has to be removed.  However, Ayurveda also mentions some home remedies that can break down stones and pass urine naturally.

A stone patient should maintain proper amount of calcium and sodium in their regular diet.  Apart from this, if you drink every day after getting up and drinking indhuv-sweet in buttermilk made from cow's milk, then the stones break down and come out through urine.

Drinking coconut water mixed with lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning also removes large stones.

Drinking bitter gourd juice mixed with buttermilk cures stones.  Mixing turmeric and jaggery in buttermilk and drinking it breaks large stones and leaves the body through urine.

People who have stones should drink a decoction of black grapes daily.  Also, soak 50 grams of Kalathi in water overnight.  In the morning, mash it with your hand and filter the water.  Now drink this water in the morning.

After taking the juice of radish leaves and mixing it with sweetener, drinking it daily will break the stones and leave the body.  Taking 20 grams of sugar mixed with onion juice breaks the stones and passes them out through urine.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાચવાં માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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