માત્ર 7 દિવસ પી લ્યો આ ઉકાળો, ડાયાબિટીસ, બ્લડ પ્રેશર અને હાર્ટ પ્રોબ્લેમ ની સમસ્યાઓ ભાગશે દૂર.

માત્ર 7 દિવસ પી લ્યો આ ઉકાળો, ડાયાબિટીસ, બ્લડ પ્રેશર અને હાર્ટ પ્રોબ્લેમ ની સમસ્યાઓ ભાગશે દૂર.

Friends, today's era has become such that everyone is working continuously from morning till evening.  But this labor is one that uses more technology and lacks physical labour.

માત્ર 7 દિવસ પી લ્યો આ ઉકાળો, ડાયાબિટીસ, બ્લડ પ્રેશર અને હાર્ટ પ્રોબ્લેમ ની સમસ્યાઓ ભાગશે દૂર.

That is, most people spend their day sitting in one place and working continuously.  Due to work stress and sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc become a home in the body.

Some people do not understand even small problems and keep running.  But when the problem becomes severe, the person becomes so ill that he has to stay in the hospital bed.

In such a situation, someone thinks that if some measures were taken in time, then he would not be here today.  Let us tell you about a special recipe today so that you do not have to regret it.

By drinking this decoction, you will feel some changes in your body in just 8 days.  So let's first tell the method of making the decoction.

To make this decoction, which removes many diseases, take 2 cloves, four black peppercorns, half a teaspoon cumin, half a teaspoon fennel, two basil leaves, some cinnamon powder, two cardamom and a piece of ginger.

Boil all these in two glasses of water.  After boiling the water halfway, turn off the gas and filter the decoction and use it.  This decoction has to be made fresh daily.

1. People with diabetes should take this decoction regularly.  It keeps the blood sugar level under control.  Consume this decoction for eight days and then you will not need to take medicine.

2. People with high blood pressure should also start drinking this decoction.  Blood pressure is controlled by drinking this decoction.

3. If the cholesterol level increases, then there is a risk to the heart.  In such a situation, if you start drinking this decoction, then the amount of cholesterol will be reduced and the blockage of the arteries will also be removed.

4. This decoction is a panacea for every stomach related problem.  Therefore, this decoction is also excellent for removing the fat stored in the stomach and body.  Its consumption removes stomach problems and detoxifies the body.

5. This decoction is also useful for those people who have weak eyes and want to reduce the number of glasses. If you start drinking this decoction then your eyesight will increase.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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