ગરમ પાણી સાથે એક ચમચી પીઓ આ વસ્તુ. પેટમાંથી બધોં જ કચરો અને જુનો મળ નીકળી જશે બહાર

ગરમ પાણી સાથે એક ચમચી પીઓ આ વસ્તુ. પેટમાંથી બધોં જ કચરો અને જુનો મળ નીકળી જશે બહાર

This problem often leads to frequent bowel movements even if there is no constipation.  In this article we are going to show the remedy of this problem which is causing a lot of trouble in the body and is causing many other diseases.  This is an effective remedy which will completely clean your stomach and your entire stomach will be empty in just five minutes.

People who have permanent constipation should warm a glass of water to do this remedy.  Add only half a teaspoon of castor to this water.  Which we know as Devel.  The use of this castor oil clears the stomach completely.  People who have this problem forever, they should do this remedy especially at night while sleeping.  If you do not do this remedy at night, then you should wake up early in the morning and drink a glass of warm water mixed with half a teaspoon of castor oil.  After doing this remedy, there will be pressure on your body after half an hour.  When there is pressure in the body and you go to the bathroom, your stomach will be cleared in just five minutes.  All faeces and waste are passed out from the stomach.

People who have this problem permanently.  If there is such a permanent problem, the stomach is not clean or there is a problem of constipation, then by doing this remedy, this permanent problem also goes away.  You must understand how to solve it.  If it stays in your body for a long time then this constipation can cause many diseases.

If this constipation lasts for a long time, then your body becomes a home of diseases.  In a way, it can bring the disease into the body and impose it.  This requires timely treatment of the problem.

In such a situation, your body needs to be cleaned regularly.  If your stomach is cleaned regularly then most of the diseases go away and disappear without medicine.  If you know how to do this remedy then it is a very useful remedy.

When your stomach is clean, you will never have the problem of constipation and major diseases of the body will also be removed.  All these benefits come from having a completely clean stomach.  People who have this problem permanently can take this remedy alternately and people who have ever had constipation problem can take this remedy once a week.

In this way, when the remedy lasts for a week, constipation is also removed very easily and the stomach remains clean.  It is an effective remedy and gives very good results in just half an hour.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાચવાં માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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