માત્ર 10 દીવસ કરો આનુ સેવન દૂધ સાથે એક ચમચી, નખમાં પણ રોગ નહિ રહે

માત્ર 10 દીવસ કરો આનુ સેવન દૂધ સાથે એક ચમચી, નખમાં પણ રોગ નહિ રહે

Sargavan is known to almost everyone, as the pods of Sargavani are used to make vegetables.  Sargavo is very tasty to eat, so it is expensive for everyone.  All the parts of Sargav are very useful for health.  Sargwa contains protein, amino acids, beta carotene and many other nutrients.  Fresh leaves or powder of Sargwa is added to the vegetables.  Saragavo Bay containing Sweet Saragavo and Karelio Sargavo.  In which the taste of Karelio Sargavo is slightly bitter. 

How to make Sargwani Horn Powder: The horns of Sargwani are broken, cleaned and dried.  These beans can be dried and ground into small powders.  This powder is good for weight loss, hair and skin, removes toxins from the body, improves digestion, causes insomnia, increases libido, strengthens bones and reduces the risk of cancer  .

How to make Sargwana Leaf Powder: Peel and grate a squash and wash it with water.  Wash it with good water and dry it in the sun and when it becomes hard, collect it and grind it into a vine.  The powder prepared by grinding is filled in a glass vessel and kept in food, mixed with water or milk as needed.  Sargwa flower and bark powder can also be made in this way.

Sargawan is called Moringa Oleifera in Latin, it is called Sahajan or Munga in Hindi.  Whereas in English it is called Drum Stick Tree, Horse Radish Tree.  This sargao has very important medicinal properties, so it is used in the treatment of many diseases.  We are talking about the benefits of Sargwa here.

Headache: Mixing equal quantity of jaggery in the juice of the root of the kingpin and filtering it and putting 1-1 drop in the nose ends headache.  Mixing a bowl of black pepper in the juice of Sargwa leaves and applying it on the scalp provides relief in headache.  Applying sargwa leaves in a bowl of water provides relief in headache due to cold and flu.

Lowering blood pressure: Fruits and vegetables with high potassium content help reduce high blood pressure.  Like other green vegetables, shrugva is rich in potassium, vitamins and minerals.  Sargwa has three times more potassium than a banana.  Individuals with high blood pressure include it in their diet, which lowers blood pressure.

Increase sperm count and increase physical strength: Regular consumption of Sargawan increases sperm count and increases sperm motility as well.  Sargwa contains zinc which is beneficial for building a strong penis.  Sargavo improves sperm count and quality and thickens semen.  Its consumption by women removes menstrual problems as well as uterine problems.

Immunity: If a person has low immunity, then the chances of getting sick increases.  By including Sargwa in the diet, the body's ability to fight diseases increases.  Sargani Horn and its leaves enhance immunity.  Its balanced intake increases this energy.

For Newborn Babies: Sargavani horn contains calcium, which is very beneficial for babies, as it strengthens both bones and teeth.  By feeding it to a pregnant woman, the baby in her womb gets enough calcium.  By which the child remains healthy.  It also contains high levels of iron, magnesium and phosphorus.  Which helps in keeping the body healthy.

Typhoid: Rubbing Sargavani's action in water and putting 1 to 2 drops in the nose, taking it brings down fever or typhoid fever.  Boil 20 grams of fresh radish root in 100 ml water and filter it, it cures typhoid.

Eye diseases: If water comes out of the eyes due to cough, then mashing the sargav leaves and making puris on the eyes stops the water coming out of the eyes.  Mixing two spoons of honey in 50 ml juice of ganga leaves and applying it in the eyes like ink, it ends blurred vision.  Mix equal quantity of honey in the juice of sargwa leaves and apply 2 drops in the eyes, it ends eye pain.

Ear disease: Mix 20 ml juice of Sargwa root with 1 spoon honey and 50 ml oil and apply 2 drops in the ear, it ends earache.  Heat sorghum glue in sesame oil and filter it.  Putting 2 to 2 drops of this ends earache.  Make a paste by grinding the bark of Sargwani and mustard.  This treatment goes well for inflammatory bowel disease in the ear canal.

Stomach diseases: Make tablets of 1 g each by taking equal quantity of fresh roots of Sargwa, Mustard and Ginger and take 2 tablets in the morning and evening, it activates gastritis and ends anorexia.  Mixing 2 grams ginger in 10 to 20 milliliters of boiling water and drinking it twice a day helps in faster digestion.  Mix equal quantity of sargava root and cedar root and apply it with kanji (drink like carrot and beet juice) in a bowl and heat it, it ends stomachache due to indigestion.

In case of flatulence or abdominal pain, mix 5 grams asafetida and 20 grams ginger in 100 grams of kingpin's root and take 1-1 grams tablets and take it 2-3 times a day.  Heating sargav leaves in water and applying it on the stomach ends colic.  Stomach worms die by eating the vegetable of Sargwana's horn.  Mix 50 grams of Sargwa root in 200 ml water and make a chutney and drink it in small quantity, it cures ascites.

Kidney problem: Taking 5 grams of Sargwana gum with curd daily for 7 days ends the problem of urination.  Make a decoction of 20 grams of bark of Sargwa root and drink it thrice a day, it ends kidney stones.  This use is also beneficial in epilepsy.

Knots: By applying Sargwana gum, the knots are removed.  Grind sargwa leaves in oil and apply it after heating, it ends chronic knee pain and pain.  Make tablets of 1-1 grams by taking equal quantity of fresh roots of Sargwa, Mustard and Ginger and take 2 tablets in the morning and evening.  Massaging the oil of Sargwana seeds provides relief in joint pain.  Putting Sargwa leaves with oil in a bowl and sitting in the sun, it ends the pain of sprains and bruises.

For weight loss: Chlorogenic acid helps in reducing the risk of obesity and obesity.  This acid has anti-ability properties which helps in reducing weight.  For this, overweight and overweight people should include kingpin in their regular diet.

Boil-Gumda: By crushing the bark of Sargav root and Vatsanabha and applying its paste on the boil, the boil bursts and the pus comes out.  Blisters and pores are removed by applying the juice of Sargwa leaves in a bowl and the initiator on the whole body.  Taking equal quantity of sargwa leaves and sesame seeds in a bowl and applying a little ghee, the wound gets healed quickly.

Cancer: Boil 20 grams bark of Sargwa and drink it for liver cancer, it provides relief from cancer.  Sargava bark and sargava leaves have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties.  In addition, Sargava leaves are rich in polyphenols and polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties that help reduce this deadly disease.

On dog bite: Apply equal quantity of kingpin's leaves, garlic, turmeric, salt and black pepper together on dog bite.  Taking 10 to 15 grams of this paste in the morning and evening is beneficial.

Diabetes: The problem of diabetes can be cured by eating the bark, fruit and other parts of the food.  It has anti-diabetic properties that control blood sugar levels.  Due to which the amount of excess sugar is reduced.  Sargava is rich in riboflavin which lowers blood sugar so make tablets of Sargava leaves.

For Bones: As you age, it is important to take care of your bones and keep them healthy.  Bones can be kept strong and healthy by the consumption of Sargavana.  Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are essential nutrients for bones.  These properties help in keeping bones healthy.  Sargao also has the property of reducing the risk of bone disease.

Anemia: Consumption of its leaves is very beneficial to overcome the anemia i.e. deficiency of red blood cells.  The ethanolic extract of Sargwana leaves has anemic properties, so its consumption improves hemoglobin levels.  So Sargava helps in the production of red blood cells.

For the brain: Sargavo also helps in keeping the mind healthy.  Aging affects the brain and can lead to many neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and central nervous system problems.  Sargao is very beneficial to avoid this problem.  It also helps in sharpening and improving the memory of Alzheimer's patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Liver problem: Eating unbalanced and unnecessary things has a negative effect on the brain.  It is very beneficial to include jowar pods or its leaves in the diet.  It contains flavonols called carcetin which prevents any kind of liver damage.  Fatal diseases of the liver can be avoided by eating sargwa leaves, pods of flowers and goldenseal.

Respiratory diseases: Taking sargao and ginger juice mixed in equal quantity causes respiratory diseases.  Taking 10 to 15 ml daily in the morning and evening is beneficial in respiratory diseases and respiratory diseases are cured.  Sargwa also contains high levels of vitamin C, which boosts immunity.  While vitamins protect against some diseases, which also provides relief in colds and colds.  If the nose is blocked due to cold, then boil sargav leaves and inhale its steam, then the nose and ears are opened.

Apart from this, taking 10 grams of Sargav bark mixed with water, reduces swelling.  Pneumonia, rib pain, colic, etc. are cured by applying the bark of Sargwani.  Eating vegetables as a snack does not cure liver problems, spleen diseases, vascular problems, muscle weakness, stiffness, blisters and leprosy.  By heating the bowl and applying it to the roots of Sargaon, filariasis (elephant disease) is cured.

Rubbing the bark of the root of Sargwana in water, it cures ringworm.  Crushing the roots of Sargwa and cooking it in mustard oil ends itching.  Gargling after making a decoction of Sargava root ends the problem of hoarseness and opens the voice.  Dissolving gums in water and rubbing it in the mouth cures dental disease.  Boil 8 to 10 flowers of Sargava in 250 ml milk and drink it twice a day, it ends physical weakness and increases masculinity.

Applying oil of sargao and mango kernel on leprosy is beneficial.  Applying a paste of the bark of Sargavani by heating the glands helps in getting rid of leprosy.  Taking the juice of Sargwan crop mixed with 5 to 10 ml honey ends paralysis, menstrual problems etc.  Taking a decoction of the bark of Sargav root with sindha and asafetida ends boils, swelling and stones.  By applying the bark on the gum, it spreads and bursts.

Thus Sargavo is a very important herb and destroys many diseases.  According to Ayurveda, it is a herb that cures over 300 ailments, including those shown here.  We hope that this information about Sargava will be very useful for you and you can use Sargava's fruits, flowers, roots, seeds, leaves, barks and gums not only as a vegetable but also as a medicine to cure many diseases.  can get rid of.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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