પેશાબને લગતી બધી જ સમસ્યાઓ દૂર કરવા માટે આ ખાસ વસ્તુનો 1 ગ્લાસ જ્યુસ પીવો, 100% મળી જશે રાહત…

પેશાબને લગતી બધી જ સમસ્યાઓ દૂર કરવા માટે આ ખાસ વસ્તુનો 1 ગ્લાસ જ્યુસ પીવો, 100% મળી જશે રાહત…

Generally in summer, the body needs plenty of water to function, so if you do not drink enough water then you have to face problems related to urination.  You should drink plenty of water during the day.  Along with this, by drinking coconut water, you can also get rid of urinary tract infection.

Dehydration is also removed by eating cucumber juice or straight cucumber.  It has a cooling effect, which helps in reducing urinary tract infections.  Urine also comes out.  You can also mix coriander and jaggery in coconut water, it also removes the problem of urination.

Even if you consume raw turmeric twice a day, you get relief.  You can get rid of bloating by eating pomegranate or in the form of juice.  Phalsa also proves to be a useful fruit to overcome urinary problems.

You will be surprised to know that citrus fruits containing vitamin C work to eliminate urinary problems.  It does not cause infection and inflammation in the urinary tract.  For this, you can take it with amla in the form of cardamom powder in water.

If your urine is coming or stopping for a long time, then you can lick cardamom powder mixed with honey.

It does not cause problems with urination.  Drinking gooseberry powder mixed with ghee and jaggery ends burning sensation in the urine.

Mixing sugar and ghee in milk and consuming it can give you relief.  If you consume sugarcane juice two to three times a week, then you can get relief from urinary incontinence or urinary incontinence by adopting the above-mentioned remedies.

Grind lentils and mix it with ghee and sugar and consume it with roti, it ends the problem of urination.  However, keep in mind that you should do this remedy only if you do not have diabetes.  Otherwise the problem may increase.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો

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